Hello again. Between day jobs, random tasks, illnesses and general Twentyfirst Century malaise, I managed to make some music. The proper proper release date is 1st October but you can listen to it now and see whether you might want to fund my unpopular synthesizer and ill-advised effects pedal habits.
The album was created with mental health issues at the forefront of my mind. Neurodivergence aside, my own tends to be a bit fraught. Bearing witness to others I know and love putting on a brave face while being subject to massive turmoil just reflected and amplified my own feelings. There’s a kind of nostalgia for the feelings of a more simple worry than the complex basket of neuroses that we are forced to carry around and just deal with every day.
It isn’t all dark. Dare I say there might even be some humor in there in places?
Anyhow, have a listen. You might also like my other stuff if you like this (but I feel this new collection is the best so far).
Gear wise, I used a Squier Bullet Tele and a Washburn double humbucker guitar, Suiko VT-10 and ST-40 poetry synthesizers and a Japan Conductor Mini Conductor poetry synthesizer and a Monotron Duo. There are also digital field recordings made with clip microphone and contact microphone, as well as field recordings made on cassette and slowed down and sped up with a multispeed cassette player. I used some pretty bad tape loop experiments that had some interesting sounds, too.
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